This post is mainly a reminder to myself about registering the dbi treeview control that I use in some of my forms.
What is happening is I have my development environment going good, then I create an installation file which registered the dbi treeview activex control during intallation. I run the install program; test the installed program. All is good so far. Then I go back to my development environment and I don't have access to the treeview control. Bummer.
To fix this I re-register the dbi treeview control as follows:
regsvr32 "C:\DBITech\CTOCX4\Components\cttree.ocx"
Then all is good.
I'm sure there is a better fix, like making sure the dbi activex controls are installed somewhere else so that a similar path could be found on installation. Or, maybe I need to change my installation routine of my custom application to check first before registering the treeview control before registered the supplied ocx file.
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